Its not easy being a villian in a world full of overhyped superheros. It's especially not easy when you're, for the most
part, a whimp. No superpowers here, my bones break just as easily if not more easily than anyone elses. Trust me, I know.
I cannot leap buildings in a single bound. Hell, I can't run more than say a city block before getting winded. I have
but one power, other than being immortal. I am the King of deals. Anyone entering an agreement with me is bound under an unbreakable
geas to honor the covenant. Of course, this is a double edged sword, for I cannot break my word once given. Oh, and that immortality
thing, lets call it supermortality. There is only so much a mortal can suffer before death comes to relieve him or her. I
on the other hand find myself alone with my thoughts much longer than is strictly healthy. Immortality has its disadvantages.
Ask Loki, if you can find the hell he is currently chained in.
Sure, its great being a Hero... but what about the rest of us? Is there any point in training 6 hours a day to run a
4 minute mile when some freak of nature can get there in seconds? There is only one thing a hero has that a tyrant
does not. A hero has better spin doctors. As soon as we realize we have power over others, we enforce our will on
them. We can claim to "fight crime", but what is a law but someone elses rules enforced on the public... A hero in the classical
sence is simply an opponent of freedom, and an enemy of progress.